Time Out Of Mind
Some guy painted 9/11 before it happened.
But anyway, when it happens to me it is just slightly advanced De JaVu (How on earth do you spell that?) Until one day when the incident of cleaning my teeth happened.
I remembered the exact movements that I had seen myself perform in the dream some time ago, when I looked in the mirror, when I spat etc.
This time, instead of just doing what I was to do, I deliberately made movements that had not occured in the dream. The weirdest thing happened, my memory of the dream changed to what I actually did. Now I understand that the brain is a funny thing, you can see things that don't happen, remember false memories etc. This does not prove anything, however, here is a conjecture of what it would mean for time, if my mind was not playing tricks on me, and I actually experienced what I believe I experienced.
First: Time is predestined.
Secondly: This predestiny can be changed.
However, we can only claim predestination if we know what the future is, what path we are set to follow, what path we can move to. Also by its very definition, predestination cannot be changed.
The way I explain this is as follows:
A future exists, whatever happens, there is a future. There is also a past. Whatever happens, the past will always exist.
If we had the ability to view the past, we could go back to a major event, WW2 say. However, WW2 is an event that has already occured, short of actually interfering in the event, it would play out exactly as the history books say it does. Japan would attack America, Germany would attack Russia. No matter that if we could see these events as they play out, we would see Hitler and Hirohito making these decisions as if they were fresh.
Therefore is it not possible to concieve that time for us has already happened. That we are playing out the events of our life as they happen, each decision fresh and of ourselves, yet at the same time we are in the history books of a future civilisation, or that the universe has already ended.
There are people who claim to know the future, I am not one of them but I know that I have dreamt things which have later happened.
We must remove ourselves from the idea of time being a dimension. Of it stretching like length or height. It may occur or have occured all at the same time, and how would we know?
Only once you are aware of what is going to happen, can you change what actually happens.
If this is possible, is it not then possible to understand psychic activity, having a previous life under hypnosis may just be connecting with someone who is living out their life in the same instant that all time occurs in, as you are. Ghosts become rational, people who see the future may simply connect with themselves in a future viewpoint.
Time might simply be a form of energy released in the big bang or it might be something else entirely.
People say they don't believe in God because there is no evidence of him, yet what actual evidence is there for time. The clocks tick, the earth goes around the sun, rocks weather, people grow old and die, yet these are physical, chemical and biological processes. We can slow them down or speed them up with advanced scientific principles. They simply occur and continue occuring until the mechanism or the parts involved get worn down to the point of stopping.
If we travel faster than light we can 'travel back in time' by moving to somewhere faster than we can see what is happening in that place, yet when we arrive at that place, we would see what is happening at that point in time, not the past.
In such a viewpoint, does time even exist?
Is it simply that our brains are able to delineate between this time and that time, sure, the usage of the idea of time as a dimension is a useful concept. We work on weekdays and have the weekends off. Dinner is at 12 o clock. WW2 began in 1939 and ended in 1945.
Take this for what you will.
I have stopped believing in time. If it ever existed at all, it has already occured. My life is already over and everything I will do is already completed, while at the same time, I must make decisions that will alter the future. It is simply that the future is already in place, has already happened. It does not mean that my decisions and actions are not fresh.