April 09, 2005

Cyborg Nation

Suddenly there is a huge number of news stories about people being able to operate computer chips by the power of thought. The first cyborgs are appearing, there are now chips that can be implanted in the eye to give a blind person sight, to allow an amputee to control plastic limbs etc. This is not the vision of cyborgs that we had ten years ago which was based on mechanics, these are based on micro electronics and in ten or twenty years we'll have cyborgs able to do incredible things, and they'll look completely normal.

As I've probably said before, blockbuster movies tend to reflect the fears of the world. 30 or 40 years ago, movies were all about alien invaders, nowadays they are all about robots battling humanity or taking over humanity, I Robot, The Terminator, A.I, Blade Runner, 2001, others I can't think of right now. Robot and intelligence technology is lagging behind cyborg technology at the moment but it's weird watching the future evolve in front of your eyes. People just aren't noticing. Like the internet, it wasn't something that appeared, at some point it was just there, and had been there for a while.

If artificial intelligence does evolve to the point of being conscious what will happen? It's a long long, long way off but if we play God and essentially create life, we need to realise it and have the responsibility to treat it fairly.

As for cyborgs, essentially we've opened a door to turn humans into God. People will have the ability to control mechanics and electronics using their mind alone. It's an incredible revolution. The technology is in it's infancy but already it's incredible. Lets recognise it and explore the possibilities.

Also, on the subject of science, the discovery of fossil soft dinosaur tissue. Incredible, especially if DNA is extant.


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