March 08, 2005

The Future

Have been thinking of my future. I can do this teaching postgrad, I'd enjoy it. I can use the money to buy myself a boat. And then I want a field. In this field I will build a shed, or small building, solar panelled for energy. I can set myself up a little den for working. The field will have a vegetable garden and a flower garden. I can plant some trees and let the rest grow into a meadow. I can build stables for the horse that I will have. That would make me happy.

Wandered round town yesterday, ran into Ed who wasn't feeling too good. We bought Futurama on video. The first and third seasons for £12. That's what I enjoy about DVD. Video's are so cheap nowadays. We went to doughnuts for food and walked back. I got a nosebleed.

There is nothing more humiliating than having a nosebleed in public, especially mine which are just terrible. I get them quite a bit in summer because of the pressure, very rarely in winter or spring but that's two in a week or so. Ed fished out a hankey that he had bought for a prop in Blasted and gave it to me. I was very grateful.

Fell asleep watching futurama and roused myself in time to head to Sabs'. She seemed happy enough and we had a good night out. A quiet night, which I was grateful for, despite the Geordies who have formed their own little fanclub for me. It's quite sweet really. Every time I went to dance I got cheered onto the floor.

I don't know what I feel for Sabs'. I care for her a lot but she would have nothing but scorn for me if she thought I was her friend out of love or pity. I just think she deserves a better chance at life, Linz too, neither of them really had much choice as to where they are now, victims of circumstance buffeted by other people's failures. They have their shortcomings as everyone does, but society fails to allow for theirs in particular. I wish I could offer both of them more than what I do, help them start again, but I need to be in a financial position where I can help to support them, and also they would need to take a risky leap, from the barely survivng but familiar world to a completely unfamiliar, unpredictable world. I wish I could persuade Sabs' at least, to show her what life really is worth. There are signs she is getting better, she at least acknowledges that she now has to get a job. She simply hasn't got enough money to pay the rent and feed herself properly. I worry.

The Lords have rejected the terror bill, the one about house arrest. Judges have to be involved they say. It goes back to the Commons. I really really hope we get shot of the whole blasted lot of Labour. At this point I am ready to settle for anyone else, even the Tories. Labour have lost every single value they might have ever had. It's not just Blair, I hated his government from the moment they were installed but I didn't realise just how liberal the original cabinet were compared with the disciples to Blair that now inhabit the posts. Remember Frank Dobson, Robin Cook, Michael Meacher, Mo Mowlam, Clare Short, all good people. I wasn't neccesarily a fan of their policies (except Meacher's) but at least they were working for the good of the country. The current cabinet may say they are still doing so but it is the biggest load of tripe. They are working for the good of Blair.


Blogger Piers said...

Nah, they are all working for the good of the capitalists.

9:46 pm  

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